'거버넌스'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.03.03 읽을꺼리 1


study/have to 2010. 3. 3. 12:53
introduction of Economic and Political Development 

Ferguson, James. 1990. Anti-Politics Machine: Development, Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho. University of Minnesota Press.
Johnson, Steven. 2006. The Ghost Map. New York: Riverhead Books.
Sachs, Jeffrey. 2005. The End of Poverty. New York: Penguin Press.
Tendler, Judith. 1997. Good Government in the Tropics. Baltimore and London: John Hopkins University Press.
Uvin, Peter. 1997. Aiding Violence. Kumarian Press.

Arndt H.W. Economic Development: The History of an Idea. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Banerjee, Abhijit. 2007. Making Aid Work.  Boston: MIT Press.
Amartya Sen. 1999. Development as Freedom. New York: Anchor Books.

Development Strategy

R. Pomfret, Development Economics, Prentice Hall, 1997

M. P. Todaro, Economic Development, 7th ed., Longman, 2000

D. Perkins, et al, Economics of Development, 5th ed., Norton, 2001

G. Meier and J. Rauch, Leading Issues in Economic Development, Oxford University Press, 2000.

G. Meier and R. Baldwin, Economic Development, New York, 1959

Chuk Kyo Kim, Evolution of Trade and Industrial Policy in Korea, in Korea’s Development Policy Experiences and Implications for Developing Countries, KIEP, 2008

Chuk Kyo Kim, Korea’s Development Strategy, Development Policy and Performance: A Historical Overview, in Korea’s Development Policy Experiences and Implications for Developing Countries, KIEP, 2008

R. Wade, Governing the Market, Princeton University Press, 1990

A. P. Thirlwall, Growth and Development, Fourth Edition, Macmillan and
Education Ltd. 1989

World Bank, The East Asian Miracle, Oxford University Press, 1993

Governance and Development

Patrick Keuleers, Governance in the Least Developed Countries in Asia and Pacific, UNDP, March 2004

UNDP, Government for Sustainable Human Development, A UNDP Policy Paper, 1997

Adel M. Abdellatif, Good Governance and its Relationship to Democracy and Economic Development, Annex I Governance Common Definition; UNDP, WB, OECD, DFID, ADB, USAID, Institute of Governance, Ottawa,

Holz Marc& Kim Byong-joon(ed.) Building Good Governance: Reforms in Seoul, 2002

The World Bank, The World Development Report 1991, The Challenge of Development, Oxford University Press 1990

The World Bank, Beyond Economic Growth: Meeting the Challenges of Global Development, Glossary

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